Marta Amat

Milagros es una excelente profesional que irradia entusiasmo y optimismo con la que he tenido el placer de coincidir. De ella destaco su capacidad de saber escuchar y es una persona cercana, comprometida y comunicativa. Su interés e inquietud por su rama de trabajo y potencial para innovar la hacen volcarse completamente en ello. A […]

Antonio Duarte

Via Empower Amsterdam I had the good fortune to have Milagros as my coach. Looking for your next career move isn´t always easy and having someone asking important questions about yourself and your goals in life, helps you to focus and is key to success. Milagros did not only help me to understand where I […]

Natassia Panfilov

Milagros is a great and passionate coach! As an international business student who is about to choose which direction I want to specialize in, I came to her in a moment of uncertainty about whether the path I am going for, is the right one for me. As an active listener, who shows you what […]

Marcus Edwards

I sought Milagros’ assistance as Career Coach during a particularly barren patch. I had been seeking a new role for a considerable length of time and had gone without even an interview for several weeks, despite dozens of applications. Milagros helped me refocus and re-energise my job-searching efforts. Within a couple of months of starting […]

Barbora Burcakova

Milagros is an incredible coach. Her thought-through and empathic approach not only helped me identify my strengths and the core values I need to bear in mind when moving ahead with my career, but also shared a handful of tips how to significantly reinforce my interview preparation. But perhaps most importantly, she made me see […]

Karolina Filosek

I feel inspired to write a review for Milagros after my enlightening & impactful career coaching sessions with her. I have come away from our sessions with valuable knowledge and self-awareness as a coach. Now I understand better my own business coaching concept and where do I want to focus my future workshops. Milagros is […]

Jane Tan

I was connected to Mila when I first relocated to the Netherlands. She worked closely with me as a career & self-development coach and has had a really big impact. I am glad to recommend her. She was particularly skilled at empowering, equipping me with the tools & right mindset, helping me to integrate to […]


I moved to Amsterdam from NY, where I owned two businesses. I knew I wanted to get into the corporate world, but I wasn’t sure how to translate my talents into a recognizable role. For a year I was sending out my resume without hearing anything back. By the end of our second session, Milagros […]


I had an ad hoc coaching session with Milagros that was more than an eye opener. Within a mere 90 minutes she got to the roots of what was holding me back and gave me some insight into what I should be looking for in the next step in my career. I experienced her as […]


Milagros is a great coach that I have opportunity to work with, as soon as I arrived to Amsterdam. She contributed to my career development and helped me to clarify some key strengths and values that helped to improve my job search process. She is a great professional with an structured methodology, empathetic and with […]

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